Fruits I Love

Fruits I Love by Victoria Boutenko. I was so happy to receive this book from a friend. As a mom who loves nutritious foods for her kids, I’m always interested in children’s books that encourage healthy eating. This book is one that makes eating wholesome fruits fun.  The pictures are creatively drawn, very brightly colored and playful. My kids love this book. Buddy’s able to read it on his own and Mei and Chico were able to follow along with the rhyming. For the healthy message that it paints, it’s a book for any age to read or read to. But reading level wise, it’s great for beginning readers to 2nd grade. Below are two sample pages from the book:

Sample page 1:

Pomegranate—jewelry box
But without any locks!
Full of sweet and juicy seeds,
They look like shiny ruby beads.

Sample page 2:

Berries too are precious!
Brightly colored treasures:
They can make incredible
Bracelets that are edible.

As a home educator mom, I took the excitement for this book by the kids and created a lesson around it.  At the end of the lesson, they had a blast and they had fun learning.  Here’s the lesson in details:

Prior to reading the book,  we did a pre-reading activity. We wrote down what we know about fruits and the results are shown in the picture below. What’s great about this activity is that Buddy can go back and read the print, and he usually does. The other two kids can try to find words and sounds that they know. A great learning tool!

We wrote down what we know about fruits before reading the book.

Chico brought up the juicy factor in fruits so I wrote down which fruits the kids thought were more juicy than others. Here you have a lesson on comparisons.

To close the lesson,  we were all treated to some all-natural, farm-fresh Oregon raspberries and blackberries. Yummy to our tummies!

 Fruits I Love can be purchased at or the Raw Family Website.

What other books about fruits that you have come across?

Look for my future posts on fun fruit ideas.


  1. The nutrition teacher at our school shared this great coloring book for the kids while she worked with small groups to make a rainbow fruit salad. Look for the Eat a Rainbow coloring book. Looks like this website has some great ideas too.

  2. Thanks for sharing that. I’ll check it out. Hopefully readers will read the comments to get some more good ideas.